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Personal stats

1  BuGs BuNNy
Last talked: Today 13:38
Visits: 18
Lines: 2385
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 341
Average letters per line: 14.8
Has kicked out 36 people
Number of descriptions: 12
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 4.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

The latest lines
Today 13:32<BuGs BuNNy> Lol
13:33<BuGs BuNNy> Hey Zoe`
13:37<BuGs BuNNy> Hi hi
13:38<BuGs BuNNy> Sorry was on phone
13:38<BuGs BuNNy> Hows ur weekend going Zoe`
2 Pagal^
Last talked: Yesterday 13:01
Visits: 6
Lines: 1273
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 212
Average letters per line: 25.4
Has kicked out 51 people
Number of descriptions: 32
CAPS ratio: 0.7%
Question ratio: 9.8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
Yesterday 12:33<Pagal^> kuch to hath batta ha
12:43<Pagal^> lol
13:00<Pagal^> time to go now
13:00<Pagal^> take care and have a nice time all
13:01<Pagal^> Allah Hafiz All
13:01*** Pagal^ has left #Pakistan
3 karinda
Last talked: 3.10. 3:23
Visits: 4
Lines: 851
Active days: 4/7
Average lines per day: 213
Average letters per line: 32.0
Number of descriptions: 5
Question ratio: 8.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
3.10. 3:22<karinda> aisi kya chez missing ha
3:22<karinda> jis se ye khalish door ho jati ha
3:23<karinda> hamesha k liye
7:35*** karinda has left #Pakistan
4 Encrypted
Last talked: Today 11:20
Visits: 14
Lines: 704
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 101
Average letters per line: 27.0
Number of descriptions: 21
CAPS ratio: 0.9%
Question ratio: 16%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
Today 11:10<Encrypted> Klug: Dar k agy jeet hai :P
11:11<Encrypted> kahan bhag rahy abhi to kuch hua bhi nahe
11:11<Encrypted> 🤣
11:20<Encrypted> Walaikum asalam
11:58*** Encrypted has quit IRC (Quit:)
5 dR0nE
Last talked: Today 13:37
Visits: 4
Lines: 419
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 60
Average letters per line: 38.5
Number of descriptions: 81
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
Today 12:37* dR0nE is away ( Auto IdleAway ) Pager on, Log on
13:07* dR0nE is away ( Auto IdleAway ) Pager on, Log on
13:37* dR0nE is away ( Auto IdleAway ) Pager on, Log on
6 RelentLess
Last talked: Yesterday 21:35
Visits: 21
Lines: 365
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 61
Average letters per line: 21.5
Number of descriptions: 2
CAPS ratio: 0.8%
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 1.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
Yesterday 21:35<RelentLess> U too Culprit paeeeejaaan
21:35<RelentLess> 🫦💋🫦💋🫦💋🫦💋🫦💋🫦💋🫦💋🫦 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
21:35<RelentLess> Hayeeee i will
21:35<RelentLess> Allah Hafiz
21:35*** RelentLess has quit IRC (Quit:)
Today 6:41*** RelentLess has joined #Pakistan
7:06*** RelentLess has left #Pakistan
7 KhuShii
Last talked: Today 13:37
Visits: 8
Lines: 357
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 60
Average letters per line: 19.5
Number of descriptions: 4
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 1.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
Today 13:34<KhuShii> theGuy: yeh bhi sahi hai
13:36<KhuShii> theGuy: insaano se lagta hai :/
13:37<KhuShii> Aho
8 black coffee
Last talked: Today 1:17
Visits: 9
Lines: 331
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 47
Average letters per line: 14.9
Number of descriptions: 28
Question ratio: 9.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Number of nicks used: 2  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Mr President
The latest lines
Today 1:02<black coffee> wrna na kre
1:03<black coffee> chalo theek hai
1:03<black coffee> dheere dheere draao
1:17* black coffee tc all
1:17* black coffee Allah hafiz
1:18*** black coffee has left #Pakistan
9 S H O
Last talked: 3.10. 16:48
Visits: 3
Lines: 324
Active days: 3/7
Average lines per day: 108
Average letters per line: 24.2
Has kicked out 2 people
Number of descriptions: 9
CAPS ratio: 1.5%
Question ratio: 15%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Likes chatting with:
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
3.10. 16:47* S H O sets mode: -Rm
16:48* S H O sets mode: -m
18:32*** S H O has quit IRC (Quit: Gone With The Wind ... !!!)
10 Abeerah
Last talked: Today 0:55
Visits: 23
Lines: 307
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 44
Average letters per line: 15.3
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Number of nicks used: 2  Likes chatting with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
The latest lines
Yesterday 23:13<Abeerah> Acha
23:13<Abeerah> Gud
23:15<Abeerah> Ata hi nhi
23:16<Abeerah> Warna bana lete
Today 0:16<Abeerah> Hm
0:17<Abeerah> Lol
0:17<Abeerah> Acha
0:17<Abeerah> G
0:55<Abeerah> KC hain ap blako
2:06*** Abeerah has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

Big Numbers

Abeerah needs to get a better connection - joined #Pakistan 23 times during this reporting period...
dR0nE liked showing off, giving 81 self-descriptions.
 Today 6:07 * dR0nE is away ( Auto IdleAway ) Pager on, Log on
Attitude kicked a total of 123 people from #Pakistan, more than anyone else.
 30.12.1899 0:00
2.10. 23:46 *** So0n0o-TyreMA KOl UND was kicked by Attitude («-Mass-Joins-»)

Pagal^ only managed to kick 51 people.

Kala-Sher knew exactly what to say, mentioning ":P" 16 times.
Hassan was either being philosophical or just plain clueless - 17% of lines contained questions.

Sim was almost as bad, having a question ratio of 17%.

karinda didn't have anyone to talk to and performed 39 monologues (writing over 5 lines in a row).

BuGs BuNNy also chatted to himself 31 times.

Pagal^ had a sticky shift button - wrote 9 lines in CAPS.
 2.10. 17:11 <Pagal^> WB MARAVILLOSA_
2.10.2024 12:32 - 12:34 was a busy time for #Pakistan - 7 people active
Active during these 2 minutes were (in order of appearance):
 Encrypted, karinda, KhuShii, BuGs BuNNy, S H O, Pagal^, Mandalorian
dR0nE wrote the longest lines - average of 38 letters per line.

Channel average on #Pakistan was 25 letters.

Chat partners

(they really like talking to each other...)

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 KaamiZuhair 1 BuGs BuNNyEncrypted
2 Mr Presidentblack coffee 2 BuGs BuNNyPagal^
3 Mr PresidentTheJackal 3 SimPagal^
4 TheJackalblack coffee 4 SimEncrypted
5 Kaamiblack coffee 5 SimBuGs BuNNy
6 Nishokarinda 6 EncryptedPagal^
7 black coffeekashmiran 7 BuGs BuNNyKhuShii
8 DilSeMr President 8 EncryptedMr-Naughty
9 certuvu 9 Pagal^shining pearl
10 uvublack coffee 10 Pagal^dR0nE

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 Pagal^Sim 1 JaaNiyakarinda
2 Pagal^JaaNiya 2 Azamkashmiran
3 Pagal^BuGs BuNNy 3 JaaNiyaanetta^
4 EncryptedBuGs BuNNy 4 AzamKala-Sher
5 EncryptedSim 5 BuGs BuNNyRelentLess
6 S H OdR0nE 6 Kala-SherKhushbu-e-Gul
7 EncryptedPagal^ 7 BuGs BuNNyRinGMasteR
8 AbeerahPagal^ 8 Stalkerkashmiran
9 BuGs BuNNyS H O 9 Culpritpukhtana
10 BuGs BuNNyKhuShii 10 Kala-SherdR0nE

Activity distribution

11/2023 - 10/2024

Lines per day Number of days
2 (0.7%)
3 (1.0%)
3 (1.0%)
6 (2.1%)
5 (1.7%)
11 (3.8%)
16 (5.5%)
12 (4.1%)
19 (6.5%)
31 (11%)
36 (12%)
20 (6.8%)
29 (9.9%)
26 (8.9%)
28 (9.6%)
16 (5.5%)
5 (1.7%)
2 (0.7%)
22 (7.5%)

Overused words in #Pakistan:

Count Word Last used by At
192 "ALLAH" theGuy Today 13:17
108 "theek" black coffee Today 1:03
96 "welcome" Pagal^ Yesterday 12:10
85 "Laughing" Pagal^ Yesterday 10:43
78 "kahan" Encrypted Today 11:11
78 "Alaikum" theGuy Today 13:16
72 "shukar" theGuy Today 13:17
71 "thanks" Encrypted Today 11:05
65 "Loudly" Pagal^ Yesterday 10:43
63 "salam" theGuy Today 10:03

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
473 "Pagal^" Mushtanda Yesterday 13:01
295 "Encrypted" Klug Today 11:09
283 "BuGs BuNNy" Zoe` Today 13:34
184 "Sim" RinGMasteR Yesterday 19:34
170 "KhuShii" theGuy Today 13:36

Who uses the most words that no-one else uses?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
51 BuGs BuNNy "Awain"(7), "Shuker"(9), "Tadai"(5), "wrong"(5), "Mmmmm"(4), "haaaa"(4), "candy"(4), ...
36 karinda "azadi"(5), "kehny"(5), "paysa"(4), "jisko"(3), "shayr"(3), "behas"(3), "misal"(3), "chezon"(6), ...
23 Pagal^ "laken"(16), "blackoo"(24), "gayab"(11), "wasay"(8), "latay"(4), "choor"(4), "payari"(7), ...
15 dR0nE "yaara"(18), "karin"(5), "tarah"(4), "kahti"(4), "kisam"(3), "tannn"(3), "bosses"(4), ...
13 Sim "Öùt"(36), "£åùghs"(36), "kiyon"(5), "tusee"(4), "hunay"(3), "Alama"(3), "wiyah"(3), ...
9 KhuShii "alikum"(14), "Keise"(9), "maula"(7), "karte"(5), "bahut"(4), "bhaag"(3), "sakhta"(4), ...
9 Encrypted "kerhi"(5), "kaday"(3), "hartal"(6), "apnray"(3), "Chappay"(4), "japanese"(3), "transfer"(3), ...
9 RelentLess "paeee"(9), "salaam"(7), "marvel"(3), "hounda"(3), "Heyloo"(3), "jayien"(3), "paeeee"(3), ...
7 Rimi "abbhi"(6), "thore"(4), "hogia"(3), "kahen"(3), "jaunge"(3), "mayray"(3), "walliekum"(3)
7 S H O "£oud"(13), "£augh§"(13), "Lerkay"(3), "Maalik"(3), "Tumhei"(3), "F£oo®"(4), ...

These pairs speak with their own words
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
16 BuGs BuNNy and karinda "comes"(6), "doesnt"(9), "times"(5), "Desire"(8), "living"(7), "dosra"(4), "small"(3), ...
15 Pagal^ and dR0nE "Laughing"(85), "kahta"(7), "pahlay"(8), "tujay"(4), "Hafta"(3), "chora"(3), "kartay"(6), ...
11 karinda and uvu "tumhy"(22), "badal"(6), "teeno"(5), "space"(4), "sarak"(4), "shakhs"(4), "shayad"(4), ...
11 Encrypted and Sim "keeti"(5), "wajha"(5), "ghari"(5), "fauji"(4), "chuha"(3), "ponka"(3), "antim"(3), "daikho"(6), ...
11 Encrypted and dR0nE "hondi"(5), "waikh"(4), "laita"(4), "kolon"(3), "waisy"(3), "pakkay"(4), "bahanay"(5), ...
11 BuGs BuNNy and Encrypted "angry"(6), "sense"(5), "Tauba"(4), "gonna"(4), "hasna"(3), "MIICO"(3), "nakhra"(6), ...
9 BuGs BuNNy and anetta^ "lower"(4), "Panda"(3), "Haaan"(3), "better"(6), "Friday"(3), "Answer"(3), "finally"(4), ...
9 BuGs BuNNy and RelentLess "haaal"(9), "movies"(8), "Achaaa"(8), "Pyaar"(4), "Hayeee"(4), "Gentlemen"(9), ...
7 BuGs BuNNy and Pagal^ "sooch"(9), "korma"(4), "rahnda"(5), "Saudia"(4), "gulberg"(4), "Afternoon"(6), ...
7 karinda and Encrypted "kehty"(5), "energy"(7), "speak"(3), "lagty"(3), "adhori"(4), "purana"(3), "unhain"(3)

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