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Personal stats

1  BuGs BuNNy
Last talked: Yesterday 18:47
Visits: 31
Lines: 4170
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 695
Average letters per line: 15.7
Has kicked out 11 people
Number of descriptions: 10
CAPS ratio: 0.9%
Question ratio: 4.9%
Chatkills: 1
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
Yesterday 18:44<BuGs BuNNy> New is next month will land in Islamabad
18:44<BuGs BuNNy> And then lets see
18:46<BuGs BuNNy> Anyways excuse me
18:47<BuGs BuNNy> Am gonna get ready to go out
18:47<BuGs BuNNy> So see u later
18:47*** BuGs BuNNy has quit IRC (Quit:)
Today 7:04*** BuGs BuNNy has joined #pakistan
2 Eclipse
Last talked: Yesterday 15:42
Visits: 11
Lines: 2186
Days active: 5/7
Average lines per day: 437
Average letters per line: 31.3
Has been kicked out 2 times
Number of descriptions: 40
CAPS ratio: 1.6%
Question ratio: 8.3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
Recent activity
Yesterday 15:41<Eclipse> BuGs_BuNNy: Kiu khamosh baithy hain
15:42<Eclipse> KhuShii: nashta kia hai ya lunch ?
18:25*** Eclipse has left #pakistan
19:57*** Eclipse has joined #pakistan
20:15*** Eclipse has left #pakistan
3 Pagal^
Last talked: Yesterday 17:58
Visits: 6
Lines: 1344
Days active: 5/7
Average lines per day: 269
Average letters per line: 31.7
Has kicked out 9 people
Number of descriptions: 6
Topics set: 2
CAPS ratio: 3.8%
Question ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
Recent activity
Yesterday 17:49*** Pagal^ kicks flgirl from #pakistan (Your nick is not suitable for this channel. Change your nick and join back D.(* #PakiStan.)
17:58<Pagal^> time to go now
17:58<Pagal^> take care and have a nice time all
17:58<Pagal^> Allah Hafiz All
17:59*** Pagal^ has left #pakistan
4 Somo
Last talked: Yesterday 23:01
Visits: 4
Lines: 1331
Days active: 5/7
Average lines per day: 266
Average letters per line: 17.8
Number of descriptions: 40
CAPS ratio: 1.5%
Question ratio: 9.0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Black coffee
Recent activity
Yesterday 23:00<Somo> Raat Ko Room Mein Baith K Kala Chashamaa
23:00<Somo> :$
23:00<Somo> Paindo Hoon
23:00<Somo> Pagal Nai
23:00<Somo> Sohnay ALLAH De Hawalay Kala-Sher Sir
23:01<Somo> :$
23:01<Somo> Ab Yeh Kon Hain
23:01<Somo> ?¿?
23:01<Somo> Sono , Neeni
23:29*** Somo has quit IRC (Quit:)
5 pukhtana
Last talked: Yesterday 23:01
Visits: 12
Lines: 1303
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 217
Average letters per line: 17.9
Has kicked out 3 people
Number of descriptions: 21
Question ratio: 1.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
Yesterday 22:59<pukhtana> nxye7wns: me nahi jalti
22:59<pukhtana> Somo
22:59<pukhtana> Sab ko ati nazar
22:59<pukhtana> Lol
23:00<pukhtana> Aap ne kala chashma lagaya hta
23:00<pukhtana> Lol
23:00<pukhtana> Tc Kala-Sher
23:01<pukhtana> Lol
Today 2:27*** pukhtana has left #pakistan
6 Sim
Last talked: Yesterday 11:25
Visits: 2
Lines: 1295
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 216
Average letters per line: 39.4
Number of descriptions: 40
CAPS ratio: 1.3%
Question ratio: 6.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
Recent activity
25.7. 15:58<Sim> {=^:^=} £åùghs Öùt £ôùÐ {=^:^=}
15:58<Sim> {=^:^=} £åùghs Öùt £ôùÐ {=^:^=}
16:04<Sim> BathRoomBreak
Yesterday 11:25* Sim is on IRC
7 Mr President
Last talked: Yesterday 22:13
Visits: 9
Lines: 1178
Days active: 5/7
Average lines per day: 236
Average letters per line: 24.3
Has kicked out 1 people
Number of descriptions: 10
CAPS ratio: 0.8%
Question ratio: 5.5%
Chatkills: 2
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
Yesterday 22:12<Mr President> Nazia: sadqa diya karo
22:12<Mr President> Apna
22:12<Mr President> lol
22:13<Mr President> Nazia: is good mother
22:13<Mr President> lolll @ somo
Today 1:02*** Mr President has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
6:01*** Mr President has joined #pakistan
8 Xero
Last talked: Yesterday 3:53
Visits: 3
Lines: 1054
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 176
Average letters per line: 29.6
Has been kicked out 1 times
Number of descriptions: 62
Question ratio: 4.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Mr President
Recent activity
Yesterday 3:53<Xero> Chalian I Am Off Have A Sound Night +`verbosity See You Around After 2,3 Days.
3:53<Xero> Stay Bless +`verbosity And +Redvine007, Rab De Hawale.
3:53* Xero Walks Away
9 RelentLess
Last talked: Today 2:31
Visits: 17
Lines: 931
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 133
Average letters per line: 22.2
Number of descriptions: 1
CAPS ratio: 1.0%
Question ratio: 6.1%
Exclamation ratio: 2.8%
Chatkills: 1
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

BuGs BuNNy
Recent activity
Today 2:30<RelentLess> Aur phir mayoos huwa hona ke yay tou RelentLess nikla
2:30<RelentLess> Koi nahi
2:31<RelentLess> Aisa bhi hota hai
2:31<RelentLess> Buss ki kariye control nai hounda
2:31<RelentLess> Auto ho janda
2:46*** RelentLess has left #pakistan
6:41*** RelentLess has joined #pakistan
7:33*** RelentLess has quit IRC (Quit:)
10 Catch^me
Last talked: Yesterday 22:24
Visits: 3
Lines: 883
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 147
Average letters per line: 20.1
Has been kicked out 2 times
Number of descriptions: 28
Question ratio: 4.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Chats mostly with:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Gul meena
Recent activity
Yesterday 22:24<Catch^me> lewanay dehkao tumharay Dewanay (Somo) aye hain
22:24<Catch^me> Zama nick tag om na ki
22:24<Catch^me> samaj nahi ati tumhain

Top 7 link advertisers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 bongi  54 "Rapt (uid318371@50f0-5ff4-ce3b-45c3-4c3e.tinside.irccloud.com) was last seen quitting from..."
2 Kala-Sher  6 "https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/uCBMTm1e/IMG_2920.JPG"
3 Zuhair  4 "https://youtu.be/9IzaWBsUhCU?si=c651ZjP76W5j5K2E"
4 TiN`TiN  2 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVgzdDyDPn8"
5 RelentLess  2 "https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/IVlh7VMI/1000000861.jpg"
6 Pagal^  2 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAqOeo8Mi5A"
7 Huda-  2 "BuGs_BuNNy (uid57584@8b1-c255-f6e7-ac83-7e9e.helmsley.irccloud.com) was last seen quitting..."

Big Numbers

BuGs BuNNy popped in and out all the time, joining #pakistan 31 times during this reporting period...
Xero really wanted others to know what was doing - 62 descriptions altogether.
 25.7. 3:18 * Xero Giggles
BuGs BuNNy had the kicking boots on, using them on 11 people in #pakistan.
 30.12.1899 0:00
25.7. 11:30 *** xMslim was kicked by BuGs BuNNy (nick)

Pagal^ had a hard time keeping up, kicking merely 9 people.

bongi didn't take "no" for an answer and ended up getting kicked out 7 times.
 22.7. 10:44 <bongi> Stalker is on place #11 out of 1113.
22.7. 10:44 *** bongi was kicked by dudoo (Advertising detected. (* #1*) :: [Mon Jul 22 07:44:33 2024] - Banned 180 minutes ·394850·)
`verbosity liked to say "Stats", doing so 3 times.
Zyra was either being philosophical or just plain clueless - 21% of lines contained questions.

Hush-The-Puff was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 19%.

BuGs BuNNy seemed to prefer talking to themself, writing over 5 lines in a row 38 times...

Runner-up auto-chatter: Mr President - was caught talking to themself 14 times.

Pagal^ had a sticky shift button - wrote 51 lines in CAPS.
 22.7. 14:54 <Pagal^> lol BuGs_BuNNy
Channel activity peak: 17 people were active on 21.7.2024 20:00 - 21:00
Active users during this 60-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 pukhtana, MARAVILLOSA, Xero, BuGs BuNNy, jhaaz, Pool-and-party, Surprising, Redemption, Salman, bongi, Rapt, Forgetme, JaaNiya, Kala-Sher, Redvine007, Many`Men`Wish`Death`Upon`Me, Stalker
bongi didn't know when to stop typing, averaging 91 letters per line.

(normal people in #pakistan wrote about 26 letters/line)

Friends in #pakistan

People who like talking to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Xero`verbosity 1 Pagal^Sim
2 Zuhair`verbosity 2 EclipseHush-The-Puff
3 Mr PresidentXero 3 EclipseNosaiba
4 Mr PresidentRedvine007 4 NosaibaPagal^
5 Mr PresidentSadia^ 5 NosaibaBuGs BuNNy
6 Sadia^Redvine007 6 EclipseSim
7 XeroZuhair 7 Hush-The-PuffSim
8 XeroRedvine007 8 BuGs BuNNyEncrypted
9 Mr President`verbosity 9 MARAVILLOSAPagal^
10 Mr PresidentGul meena 10 JaaNiyaPagal^

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 EclipseSim 1 BuGs BuNNyEclipse
2 MARAVILLOSAPagal^ 2 SimEclipse
3 JaaNiyaPagal^ 3 Somopukhtana
4 BuGs BuNNyEclipse 4 BuGs BuNNySim
5 BuGs BuNNySim 5 Kala-Sherpukhtana
6 BuGs BuNNyNaWaBxaDi 6 Kala-SherKhuShii
7 BuGs BuNNyPagal^ 7 Raptpukhtana
8 SimPagal^ 8 BuGs BuNNySarkaar`
9 NaWaBxaDiPagal^ 9 BuGs BuNNyKhuShii
10 NaWaBxaDiSim 10 Catch^mepukhtana

Activity distribution

8/2023 - 7/2024

Lines per day Number of days
2 (0.7%)
3 (1.0%)
3 (1.0%)
6 (2.0%)
5 (1.7%)
10 (3.3%)
15 (5.0%)
10 (3.3%)
16 (5.4%)
28 (9.4%)
24 (8.0%)
10 (3.3%)
21 (7.0%)
12 (4.0%)
23 (7.7%)
20 (6.7%)
23 (7.7%)
36 (12%)
32 (11%)

Most frequently repeated words at #pakistan:

Count Word Last used by At
300 "Allah" NaWaBxaDi Today 2:13
201 "Laughing" Somo Yesterday 23:00
198 "Loudly" Somo Yesterday 23:00
182 "theek" Stalker Today 3:39
167 "Öùt" Sim 25.7. 15:58
167 "£åùghs" Sim 25.7. 15:58
142 "welcome" Stalker Today 2:16
132 "mujhe" Kala-Sher Yesterday 23:02
131 "Hello" Inno Today 1:08
125 "kahan" TiN`TiN Today 2:14

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
1045 "Eclipse" Zyra Yesterday 19:39
1040 "BuGs BuNNy" Sarkaar` Yesterday 18:15
744 "Sim" Mr President Yesterday 19:24
644 "Pagal^" KhuShii Yesterday 17:20
483 "pukhtana" nxye7wns Today 0:52

Who uses the most words that no-one else uses?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
58 Sim "dayni"(8), "tudaan"(7), "Alama"(4), "kiray"(4), "Iqbal"(4), "kunwara"(8), "sapnay"(4), ...
56 BuGs BuNNy "Kasma"(17), "quiet"(15), "jeeee"(6), "Mmmmm"(5), "Uffff"(5), "zayda"(4), "riaaa"(4), ...
38 Eclipse "kerha"(10), "avien"(7), "daity"(6), "dasya"(5), "chupk"(4), "Lokan"(3), "thory"(3), ...
28 RelentLess "haaal"(10), "Verna"(5), "karey"(5), "laikum"(7), "vaiii"(4), "Anwar"(3), "Talah"(3), "green"(3), ...
18 Xero "£ouD"(21), "£aughS"(21), "Karoan"(9), "Kahian"(8), "noted"(3), "Loogo"(3), "Alaka"(3), ...
18 `verbosity "river"(9), "devine"(9), "won`t"(5), "frowns"(8), "hotti"(4), "aatti"(3), "lugga"(3), "kerrain"(9), ...
17 Culprit "paaion"(15), "Tennu"(4), "kaddi"(4), "liyay"(4), "Ohnay"(3), "jaain"(3), "lagga"(3), ...
16 Stalker "accha"(15), "acche"(5), "looge"(5), "Bhaut"(4), "nazer"(4), "sekta"(3), "rahaou"(4), ...
15 Somo "Hamien"(24), "Payen"(12), "Yehni"(3), "Chahieye"(11), "Sohnay"(4), "aamDaid"(7), ...
13 Mr President "hubby"(9), "chahiy"(8), "waddy"(4), "paish"(4), "Asslam"(7), "patli"(3), "uthai"(3), ...

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
46 Eclipse and Sim "ithay"(11), "waikh"(6), "matric"(9), "baksh"(4), "khali"(4), "nuqta"(4), "billay"(5), "phenti"(5), ...
26 BuGs BuNNy and Eclipse "naaaa"(9), "jadon"(8), "chappa"(9), "smile"(4), "alone"(4), "Hindko"(7), "facts"(3), "akhdi"(3), ...
13 Eclipse and RelentLess "othay"(6), "rakho"(4), "shauk"(4), "saaan"(3), "lagni"(3), "ayien"(3), "aiday"(3), "peeta"(3), ...
11 BuGs BuNNy and Sarkaar` "plans"(5), "hence"(5), "brown"(4), "cutie"(4), "teach"(3), "ahead"(3), "lovely"(4), ...
11 Eclipse and Encrypted "chahiyea"(14), "Kerhi"(4), "banaon"(7), "paisy"(3), "perwa"(3), "katoo"(3), "hathon"(3), ...
10 Eclipse and Mr President "pucha"(7), "sooper"(9), "admin"(5), "batai"(3), "macha"(3), "higher"(5), "manana"(5), ...
9 Sim and Culprit "khada"(5), "ditta"(5), "sehmi"(4), "manda"(4), "Laash"(3), "tasalli"(7), "kadoon"(4), ...
9 BuGs BuNNy and Culprit "happen"(8), "super"(4), "stand"(4), "minor"(3), "normal"(5), "chaida"(3), "Updated"(4), ...
9 Somo and RelentLess "kahien"(12), "Baatien"(11), "sunaoo"(6), "Ethay"(3), "Jayien"(5), "hazaar"(3), ...
9 Sim and RelentLess "haiga"(5), "souch"(5), "dooja"(3), "Ghari"(3), "hunnay"(5), "akhaan"(3), "maheena"(4), ...

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